For the English speaking community, the Pays de Lauzun district’s Collection Calendar 2024 is now online.
Full of good advice, it will allow you to reduce your household garbage, to sort better thanks to a compost space … because better sorting, less throwing ! Remember that if you don’t have a garden to install a composter, the neighborhood composter located behind the church is available. You have to contact Tati Sauvette, details on the poster below.
If you have space, HOW TO GET A COMPOST KIT ?
Buy your own compost kit and get tips for good composting practice.
Only during opening hours every wednesday from 2 pm to 4 pm at the old recycling centre impasse Elie Teyssier-Miramont. (In case of unavailability, please contact the environment department).
30 minute workshops/awarenessraising sessions are regularly organised (starting at 4pm). It is possible to leave with a composter during these workshops**.
Registration and information with the service.
300 L – Plastic = 20 – Wood = € 30
400 L – Plastic = 25 € – Wood = 35 €
On this Collection Calendar 2024, lots of information is given to help you with selective sorting. Information also about the collection on the public holidays :
Collection on public holidays will take place, except May 1st and December 25th.
The collection for Wednesday May 1st will be brought forward to Tuesday April 30th and the collection for Wednesday December 25th will be brought forward to Tuesday December 24th.
The collection for Wednesday January 1st 2025 will be brought forward to Tuesday December 31st.
Good sorting means great savings!
Household garbage for the black bin or the black column.
Only used for masks, nappies, broken dishes, toothbrush, disposable wipes and vacuum bags.
Some instructions in the Pays de Lauzun district
- When to put my garbage container outside? The evening before the waste collection day.
- Who is responsible for the maintenance of the containers? You will have to keep them in a clean working state (periodical washing).
- Container stolen: What to do? In case of theft, your container will be replaced on presentation of a theft report effected at your local police station.
- Out container = full container ! Put your rubbish container out only when full.
- Attention ! Black garbage bags left on the ground will no longer be collected.
- Please be respectful with the agents.
These instructions are available on the dedicated page of your website Vie pratique.
- Composteurs de quartier